The Grandmaster Mentality
Everything has, is, and will always be your fault. Think of all the diffrent possible outcomes of an action before you do it.
This is the most important aspect of a good player. A player with a good mentality will not only improve faster, they will also be less fatigued, and therefore more consistent. The Grandmaster mentality is the best mentality you can have on a competitive environment.
I’ll make it easier by setting rules
Remove unnecessary emotions, anger will make you impulsive, try to avoid it. If your teammates are thinking a type of way that you don’t agree with, then I would recommend letting them think that way. Your attempt of changing them will probably just make them toxic and it almost always doesn’t end good. When someone is complaining on what I’m doing, I think about it, if they are right I might do what they say, but most of the time they just speak because they can, trying to blame it in on someone else, just go ahead and mute them and keep playing like you do.
Hiding your emotions is harmful. If you feel angry, it's okay to be angry. Instead of hiding the emotions, start trying to change the way you think. You don't want to suppress your emotions, but try to have an optimistic view on things.
A tip for managing tilt, you have to know that there are going to be games that no matter what you do you are still going to lose. The enemy team will sometimes have the better players and you will be queued with absolute bots. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything about it. If you are thinking that you did everything well and your teammates didn’t follow up, then think what you could have done to help them instead. Maybe you could have shot called, or maybe peeled for your supports because they are too bad to defend themselves. (don’t take this personal if you play support lmao)
“You win 33% of matches, you lose 33% of matches, the other 33% is up to you.” -Jayne
Focus on what you can do, there are 12 players on a game, you can only change how you play. Your teammates are not the reason why you are stuck, there is always something you can do. Even if it seems your teammates are playing with their monitors off, it could just be your luck. One of my accounts was stuck in low diamond for a while, it seemed that no matter what I did, I kept losing one and winning one (of course there was something I could have done). One day I got queued with the right people and I climbed from plat to masters without a single loss. If your teammates are “keeping you back” then someday your luck will turn. Do you think professional athletes are always at their peak? When I swim there are times that I can’t seem to improve no matter what I do. I don't know when will I improve, but I have already swum too much to stop.
There is always something you are doing wrong. Not even pro players do everything perfect. When I reached GM I thought I was good enough. I thought I had beaten the game. I stopped trying to improve, thinking I would just become better with time. But the better you become, the harder it is to become better. I dropped to masters after my first season and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I had stopped trying to improve, so I started developing bad habits.
In GM, I was stuck in diamond for a while. I was hard stuck 3100 on my highest level account. Basically I had gotten used of my teammates covering up my mistakes. So I threw games in diamond because my teammates didn’t cover it up for me. You can’t depend on your teammates doing the right thing, because honestly they probably won’t do it.
Beeftipsy has a law for overwatch
For every win streak there is an equivalent lose streak.
If you just went into a loose streak that mean that soon you will get lucky. Knowing how to play on each rank is harder than playing on GM.
In bronze people don’t know what their doing, you can see a rein standing in payload just right clicking, in the best case. You need to learn a more about the game and probably just play more.
In silver, you need to kill your enemies faster than they kill you.
In gold, you have to learn how your abilities work and how to use them
On plat, you want to improve your mindset and how you see the game, sometimes being positive is all you need.
In diamond, you need to stay alive and get value instead of constantly trading
On masters, you have to play for your team and cover their mistakes up, communication will be important.
In Grandmaster basically the team that does fewer mistakes will win.
If you want to climb, you have to know how to play in your rank you have to stay positive and be open-minded. If you’re stuck then the next part will help you
Fear and respect
When playing against someone in a higher rank people often fear the players instead of respecting. When I first played against Wanted and Redsell in the same match, I was shaking. I feared them like if they were better than I.
Fear is a combination of experiences and the future. We humans tend to make connections. People are afraid of things that have happened before, and they see happening again.
Fear will make your mind take the worst decisions. Instead of respecting their skill, I feared it.
You can’t fear what you will be in the future, if you want to be a better player, you can’t fear someone that’s a higher rank than you. Of course, you might want to respect their aggression and fall back instead of dueling them, but you can’t panic. This is a problem that started affecting me in Masters, I don’t know if this was only me, but I’m sure people at other ranks have had this happen.
To deal with fear you have to act, don't think about the situation, instead think of your next move.
A great video about it by Iostux.
Here’s where confidence comes into play.
Confidence and Humility
You are the best player you know and will ever know. Only you can change yourself. When you know you are against a smurf, you’re probably better than them anyways, don’t doubt yourself. I’ve won games on a 5v6, I’ve beaten so many smurfs on my climb.
You have to know that you can perform well if you want to perform well. Tell to yourself, I can land that shot. You are better than your teammates, but you can’t tell them that.
When going for a shot, you have to know you are going to land that shot. Don't think about it (you probably will now). You have to be absolutely confident you can make the play for it to happen. Imagine the play in your mind, and then perform it. To increase confidence you want to play aim trainers and work on your mechanics. Search custom game modes for your heroes. If you have hit a shot 1000 times, hitting it one more time will not feel like a challenge.
Let's be honest, no one actually gives a f*ck. Telling them that you are better will just make them toxic and uncooperative. We have all played with that guy that goes “yeah you're wrong because I’m a Grandmaster Widow” or something like that. They suck, no one cares if your diamond or masters or even grand master, they just want to win. I have been that guy, and it just makes your team hate you.
Believe in yourself, you are the best, but nobody cares, so don’t go yelling it out.
Have confidence and don’t fear what you want to become.